There is an noticeable lag in all things pottery in the summer. Perhaps it has something to do with bring an oven up over 1000 degrees in a room that is already 40. The painters and sales people slow down enough but the people who "fire" are more likely to be found in their garden or at one of the dozens of town festival than anywhere near a stove (BBQs not withstanding) and I have never even heard of a wood kiln running in the summer months ... I'm sure some people do it ... but they must be crazy.

For me the end of summer means Sunset Live. Sunset is a 3 day concert/festival/party/event held in Keya on Itoshima in Fukuoka Prefecture. Sunset features the very best in Japanese reggae and Ska with a healthy dose of jazz, rock and folk thrown in for good measure. The three stages are all on or next to the beach and the atmosphere is sexy, friendly and playful .... and I am getting excited just thinking about it.
I would like to write more ... but ... yeah ... well, I would rather be packing my car. It starts in just a few short hours. You have a good weekend ... but unless you get married to a rich supermodel or happen to be going to Sunset Live I doubt it will be anywhere near as good as mine.
I'll try to get some pics up next week, assuming I don't loose or break my phone ... I would say thats about a 50/50.