Hey there. "Hisashiburi" as they say over here.
I am sorry it's been a while since anything was thrown up here. The main reason was some computer "issues" I have been having. Not to go into too many details about these "issues" but I think you would be shocked and rather fearful to know just how little liquid (in just the right place) it takes to fry a motherboard.
Even before this episode I believed strongly in the need for waterproof electronics. When you think about the amount cell phones alone that are ruined (usually with all it's owners contacts ie social life) by waves, baby drool, drinks, dish water, rain and toilets, it seems bizarre to me that more of them are not waterproof. The craziest thing of all is that there isn't even a trend toward waterproofing.
Anyway, I guess that's all "spilled milk" now. Not that it is any kind of a "silver lining" but Apples "Time Machine" kept me from harikiri.