Friday, April 30, 2010

The storm has started

So Tokiichi started yesterday to great weather and what I hear was fantastic crowds. I was too busy to make it yesterday and today has been just as hectic but I will be spending the whole weekend enjoying the pottery and crowds. Can't wait! I'll be sure to put some pics up.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away ...

As if anyone needed another reason to hate the day!? It has rained in Arita every Monday for 2 months now. WHAT IS WITH THAT!?

Forgive more pics hastily snapped while I should have been concentrating on the road. But, for weeks now Arita has been in "Calm before the storm" mode. The streets have been almost empty. Restaurants and bars void of all but the staff.

The reason is "Tokikiichi". The Arita pottery fair. Many of Arita's potters sell the majority of pottery all in that one fun/crazy/busy/tense/sleepless week. So for months the artists have been creating and storing as much pottery as the can, cause they know come the 29th of April people will POUR in. I don't mean pour like your Mom's Ice Tea on a lazy Saturday afternoon. This is "pour" like, "What in the name of all things good and true is that?! How will we survive!?". That kind of pour. They say the population of this small town grows by 1,000,000 if you can imagine.

But the "calm" is done. The storm hasn't started so I guess this is the "brewing" phase. People are scurrying around setting up stalls and temporary shops and restaurants. Schools and non pottery related work are shutting down so EVERY possible hand, no matter how big or small can be freed up for Tokiichi.


Let's hope the rain stays away ...


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Beautiful Day

Today was the nicest day of 2010 (so far).
Absolutely gorgeous.
Flowers blooming everywhere and happy people playing, talking, working or relaxing outside.
It was sunny and warm as I drove out between the mountains to Okawachiyama. I had to do a little work at Daigorou Gama. I shouldn't even call it "work". A short but beautiful drive to meet with friends and look at exquisite pottery is a day a prince would envy.
